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An amazing road trip 


Dernière mise à jour : 5 sept. 2019

A- Brockville

B- Lévy Quebec

C- Acadie Siding

D- Bouctouche

E- Prince Edwar Island

D- Quebec

Hey you! Let me tell you about my road trip in Canda !

During the "crazy week" my family and i went in 4 provinces ( Ontario-New Brunswick-Prince Edward Island and Quebec) .In New Brunswick i met the Norm's family! They are very welcoming. One of the Norm's sister made me a gift of an Acadian's t-shirt ! In fact, it was the Acadian's celebration so it was many flags and everyone was wearing their country flag on their clothes! At this place Grace, Norm and i learn how to dance a traditional Acadian's dance!

After this enjoyable time it was the "tintamarre". The goal of this is to make the most of warm you can for welcome people who migrate in the Acadie ( the Sagouine country; the sagouine is a famous drama character write by Antonine Maillet but the author be inspered of a real woman who was named Sarah Comier. She became an icon of the Acadie, she was a modest woman who was telling the stories of the Acadie in "Acadien"( language spoken in the nez Brunswick )).

Next this, we came back to a sweet house( on which we put the Acadian's flag) and we shared (me and the Norm's family) a good dinner filled with lobsters, corns, cupcakes, potatoes...

During this road trip i tried many specialities as the Acadian's poutine ( it's not the same than the Canadian's poutine because it's make with potaotoes and in the middle is meat (very salty meal )) and beavertail (the pastries). They call that like this because it's shapes is like a bevertail.

Not very far from New Brunswick there is an Island call Prince Edwar Island. It's very famous for the story of Anne of Green Gables because the book became very famous.( it's the story of an adopted children.) Grace and i, we had try her costume!

The last destination was Quebec city, i was very surprise because i wasn't ready to find lovely art city. In fact, their is a lot of painting walls, statues and the buldings are big and pretty. In the top of that at night many people do animations ( singer, guitard player, showman... ).

It was an amazing moment past with the Leger's family and it's allow to know more my them!

Bye everybody! See you at the next blog!



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