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First day in Canada


Dernière mise à jour : 2 sept. 2019

Hello, I'm Evea-Rose Choquet, a French 15 years old student.

I'm doing a three month exchange in Canada with the French association NPLA. I'm here for studies, to improve my English, to discover the country and the culture.

I am writing this two weeks after being in Canada because I have been super busy and I didn't have my laptop so I had to borrow one here.


The first day was the trip day. I had to wake up at 4 AM because I had to be in time for the meeting point with the association which was really early, also the departure was from Nantes and I live in Rennes, an hour and half away from Nantes in a car, so I had to be ready.

The first flight from Nantes to Paris was a one hour long and it was at 8 AM. We said goodbye to our parents and then we had to go through airport security.

While meeting from the plane, I met some people from the association and it was nice. During the flight I just slept because I was still tired from my short night's sleep.

Between the first and the second flights, we could do what we wanted in the airport, so we just bought some food.

The second plane was so much longer than the first one, so we were able to choose our places in the plane to be with the people we knew.

I watched a movie and slept during the flight. I also took some pictures over the ocean and the Canada.

Once I left the plane, we had to take back our luggage. Mine took a really long time to get off, so I thought that the company had lost it. I am so glad that I got it back, but I was the last one to get my luggage, so my host family had to wait quite a while.

I finally met them and we were all happy to see each other.

I wasn't hungry but Tricia, my exchange partner's mom insisted that we grab poutine from the food truck inside the airport. I had never tried it yet, so I found it interesting to eat something so different from what I was used to. Because there was a lot of cheese, I found it gross but I still liked it.

In the picture on the left, we can see my exchange partner Nicole and her little sister Brooke.

We came back home in the car, she lives and hour away from Toronto Pearson International Airport, during the trip we got to know each other a little better.

Once we got home , they gave me a tour of the house. Afterwards, because I was tired from the trip, I went to sleep.

Before I left France I was was kind of stressed out about my Canadian family, but once I met them, I was feeling at ease.

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