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My first thanksgiving


My exchange family and I left for their grandparents' cottage during Friday’s afternoon to be there for the sunset. I already went to their cottage during the summer so it was nice to see the place with fall colours and to meet with the grandparents! I had my first Thanksgiving feast that night and let's say that it was just the beginning!

On Saturday we left early to be in Toronto for a brunch with the rest of the family! I met so many new nice people and enjoyed my first turkey of the week-end! We also went for a walk and the trees were beautiful, I wish trees could change as they do here in France! At this point, I was already so thankful for the week-end that I was experiencing.

On Sunday, we went back to the cottage and went for a walk to "Sandbanks". Afterwards, we went to a pumpkin place and found really funny pumpkins that we will sharp for Halloween, which I’m by the way so excited for.

We finally ate the turkey dinner I was waiting for and told everyone what we were thankful for.

On Monday, Kim - my host mom - and I went for a kayak ride around the cottage and got a chance to take a closer look at the beautiful trees around the lake.

I'm thankful for the opportunity I had to do this exchange, I'm forever thankful for the amazing family I've been matched with and for all the memories created during those past two months.



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