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The Canadian school | school time

Photo du rédacteur: Noemie CollignonNoemie Collignon

Dernière mise à jour : 31 oct. 2019

Preston high school Cambridge

Amazing discovery of the educational system of Canada .

Dive into the subject five days per week , I really like the school and the different activities that we can do with.

First , the timetable, I find very interesting the fact that we could choose our classes, so I took English because that allow to learn a lot , Genocide , it’s a mix of history and sociology, my teacher is very interesting and funny, so it’s always a pretty good class . I also have Drama, it‘s very funny , I met a lot of friends and I practice a lot my english. Then I took Cooking and Nutrition , it’s not my favorite class , because it’s a bit boring except the Friday because it’s the day when we cook and it’s usually very funny because we cook and after we eat what we made , I share this class with another french student but we always speak in English and it’s a big force to have someone who understands you . She is very understanding and helped me a lot in the bad moods , we are very close to each other now and I thank her a lot 😉.

Secondly , I also like to finish early , 2:15pm for me and practice an activity after , I joined the cross country for 3 weeks now, and that is very cool , we run every day during one hour and half expect the Friday because we don’t have a practice so we come back home early, I always feel good after this, and I am very glad to practice sport, that allows to stay in shape, instead eat peanut butter , which is my guilty pleasure , and so get fat because it’s very sweet . I walk to the school very day , that lasts forty minutes , it’s pretty long , but I like it , it’s nice to breath fresh air . I hope that in October that is not going to be too cold !

Last , I also really like the atmosphere of the school , which is very cooler than a french school , for example , they make a lot of activities like hat day , socks day , colour run, by the way I did the colour run and it was very funny and I finished very dirty ,or the orange T-shirt day to help children who are in difficulty . I also like that we can use our phone , it’s very practical to translate some words ! . Oh ! and by the way , I ’m absolutely not fluent , but I speak better and it was my goal so I am happy for that !

To conclude this experience is amazing, I miss France a lot , my friends , my family , the foods , I think a bit of everything and my relationship with my exchange partner is not perfect , sometimes very difficult , but nothing is perfect. So I just want to say that everything that we live whether it’s hard or not , it makes us grow.


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